At the Printers’! I hope that sounds exciting, which it is, and not too much like the excuse for delay, “It’s in the mail.”
“In the mail,” that is, sent out to the contributors and subscribers, is the step after the step after next.
Let me tell you what happened: we had the poetry contest winners, and we were finalizing the other acceptances, when my computer—the one which has the publishing program—was infected with a malicious virus. The wonderful IT people basically re-built my computer. The process took more than a week.
I may have lost some records (my apologies if I end up contacting you twice about the same thing), and I did lose the customized (blank) template for Common Ground Review, but I was able to use a version of the Fall/Winter issue as a template.
So we formatted the issue and the cover, and the printers are now sending us a sample proof. That really is in the mail; once we get it and can okay the order, the printers will get to work.
In the meantime, we’re getting address labels ready and putting them on envelopes so we can send everything out as soon as possible, and I can actually say, “It’s in the mail!”