It does look as
if this website has been frozen at a particular moment in time, doesn’t
it? As if it’s an archeological remnant
from a year ago? It was a cold winter, but we should have thawed out by now!
Funny story… our
webmaster was working on his engineering degree (which he now has—mazel tov—and
a full-time job, very good news, many congratulations to him.) And he’s a great guy, so when we asked him to
make the changes to the website, such as posting information about the contest
judge, he said he would. He would get to
it. Sure, he’d do it.
Haven’t you done
something like that? I do. I'm guessing that most of us have more work on our
to-do list than we can get to right away, and even when we tell ourselves, we
must do this first thing tomorrow, something else always inserts itself into
that time. This summer, I’ve been
feeling more and more like Miss Clavel in the Madeline books, sitting up in the
middle of the night and saying, “something is not right!” But the moment I start working on fixing it,
the doorbell rings, all the kids in the neighborhood come over, and suddenly I’m
making lunch. Where did the morning
go? Where did the month go, or the
The good news is that we are
indeed working on the magazine, which is very much alive—all is right in that
regard. Our Spring/Summer issue should
be arriving on campus next week, and we will send it out as soon as it does. We should have a new webmaster once the Fall
semester begins. We are already working
on the Fall/Winter issue. If you are
sending us poems or stories or essays electronically, I would like to ask you
to submit work via Submittable, not by the regular email address—it is too hard
to keep track of mail that comes in that way.
And thank you for your patience!