Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Here’s what’s happening right now:

We are in the process of switching from straight email submissions (which we have no good way to keep track of) to Submittable.  We hope this will enable us to respond to submissions much more efficiently.  At the moment, I’m creating descriptions and setting up links; there’s some HTML code to put in, but you should see the link to submit work via Submittable on this website by the end of July.  Of course we will continue to accept work though the regular mail.

Recently the esteemed literary journal Triquarterly has been in the news for sending a letter that apologized for a backlog and returned submissions unread.  We sympathize both with the writers whose submissions were not read, and with the editors of the magazine.  In our situation, we will continue to work through our backlog and to read all submissions sent before the installation of Submittable, as well as those sent by way of Submittable.  This takes time, and we apologize for the wait, which in some cases has been very long indeed. 
However, please be aware that we allow simultaneous submissions, and we are genuinely pleased (if sometimes annoyed with ourselves and our own slowness) when you tell us that you are withdrawing work because it has been accepted elsewhere.  It may be that just the act of sending work to us will bring you luck!

We are proof-reading the Spring/Summer issue, which is looking great--and that isn't even including Lorna Ritz's gorgeous cover.  We hope to be able to send it to the printers by the end of July.  At that point, we will start focusing on submissions for the Fall/Winter issue. 

Thank you, everyone who has sent us work--we really appreciate it!

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